
Sunday, July 1, 2012

PowerShell Web Access: What could possibly go wrong?

I recently started playing with PowerShell Web Access. It is a nice feature of PowerShell 3.0 and could be really useful in enterprise environments. This post is result of my experiments with this feature from a Penetration Tester's point of view (may be as a backdoor). So let's get started.

For setting up of PowerShell Web Access, I used a virtual machine (a Windows Server 8 (2012?) Developer Preview) running on virtualbox. This Technet document explains it all. So AFAIU from the technet document, following cmdlets could be used to setup PSWA up and running.

  1. Install-WindowsFeature –Name WindowsPowerShellWebAccess
  2. Install-PswaWebApplication -UseTestCertificate
  3. Add-PswaAuthorizationRule UserName -ComputerName -ConfigurationName
PSWA also requires PS remoting to be enabled. "Enable-PSRemoting -force" could be used to enable that.

So let us consider a post exploitation scenario where we can run commands on a Windows Server 8 (2012?). Following commands could be used to setup PWSA assuming that it is not already installed.

Above command will install a PWSA web app with name "pentest" which will use a self signed certificate. Obviously, you would like to change the name during a Pen Test.

Above command adds an Authorization rule which governs the access control for PWSA.
The cmdlet takes three arguments:
  1. Username is username of the user which would be used for authenticating.
  2. Computername is name of the computer to which the user would have access.
  3. ConfigurationName is name of the session configuration.

During a Pen Test you may like access to all of the computers accessible to a user. There is a nice "tip" (with warning) in the technet document which says that you can use wildcards for all the options in Add-PswaAuthorizationRule cmdlet. That is what we have used in above example.

A * in all of the three fields indicate, "allow all authorized network users access to all computers on the network to which they typically have access, with access to all session configurations to which they typically have access."

What does this mean? This means that if you are able to have access to credentials of a user which is present on large number of machines in a network, you can use PWSA as a secure, encrypted and native method of accessing the systems (with its own set of restrictions). Of course, there are other ways too of accessing systems if you have credentials of such a user.

Be mindful while using wildcard on a client's machine as this will open up the network for everyone. A better option could be

Enable PSRemoting

So now we have a PowerShell web session open in front of us.

Now what? Let us try to do some nasty things with it. I am using credentials of an Administrative user.

Elevate to meterpreter
Well not "elevate" exactly :P. Many pentesters can't go without having a meterpreter on target. Using a simple PowerShell script we can download and execute a meterpreter binary.

And the result is

Have a look at my previous blog post for doing this more effectively and stealthily.

Persistent Jobs
In the above example, if you do not use any persistance available with meterpreter, your meterpreter session will close as soon as you logout of web session. To keep it running, you can schedule it as job. Remember, you can schedule only a PowerShell script as job. A quick dirty trick could be

This can be used for many post exploitation tasks which require scripts to be running on target machine.

Elevation to SYSTEM
Now, let us try for SYSTEM level access to the machine. Why? For fun and password hashes :)

Let us use the technique implemented in Kautilya. We will schedule a batch file as a task which will run with SYSTEM privilege. The batch file will call the powerdump script (available in msf) and the hashes will be dumped. Sounds easy? Yes it is.

We will download the powerdump script and batch file using script used in the above example. The batch file should look like this.

Now let's scehdule it as a task which will run as SYSTEM

I am using harcoded paths as the batch will be running with SYSTEM priv and its TEMP directory is different (C:\Windows\Temp).

Let us run the task

Now if we check the contents of "C:\Users\<currentuser>\AppData\Local\Temp\dump.txt" we will find hashes :D

If you already have access to password of an Administrative user, why would you need to dump hashes? To gain access to more systems or similar stuff.

Many more things could be done using PSWA specially post exploitation activities. Look at it as one of the best web shell ever !!

Lastly, I have not seen any enterpise deployment of PSWA (as the OS itself is in review phase) so few things in this post could be wrong or based out of pure assumption. I hope the administrators will take care while deploying and users will be more careful while using this.

I will keep working on this and will write more posts about anything interesting. Also, if PSWA is ported to a Desktop OS ever, an implementation of this in Kautilya will be definitely done with a blog post detailing that.

Hope this would be useful and fun. Please leave comments and feedback.