
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hacking Jenkins Servers With No Password - Powershell fun

This post is stolen/copied/inspired from the post by Royce Davis. He posted the awesome original post here on Pentest Geek. I am just taking the hack forward using Nishang and powershell for doing nasty things.

After reading that post I quickly downloaded Jenkins and set it up in my lab. Royce used below code to execute commands on the Jenkins Server.

Lets see the version of powershell on the server by using def proc = 'powershell.exe $psversiontable'.execute() in the above code.

And the result is.

Version 2.0. So we can run powershell cmdlets and other commands. Perfect!

Now lets use powershell one-liner downloader to execute different scripts from Nishang on the Jenkins Server.

To execute the scripts we have to append cmd /c to the powershell command. So, for example, to execute Firebuster from Nishang the code becomes

We can also use encoded scripts. Using Invoke-Encode in Nishang, lets encode Get-Information and execute it.

And the output

What's an exploitation without a meterpreter? So lets use the powershell meterpreter payload generated using msf.

And we have a meterpreter session !

So, the conclusion is, whenever and wherever you are able to execute commands on a Windows machine, try to execute powershell commands and you would be happily surprised.

Nishang could be found here:


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Introducing Antak - A webshell which utilizes powershell

Duing penetration tests, I always wanted to have a simple yet powerful webshell. For that, I wrote Antak last year, demonstrated it at Defcon 21 but never released for I was busy in other things :)

Antak stands for God of Death in Indian mythology, popularly known as Yamraj. Muhahaha

The webshell is a part of Nishang now. It is written in ASP.Net.

Antak's UI has been designed to resemble a powershell console.

Use clear to clear the output box. Use help to see the built-in help.

Lets see some of its features.

Running Commands

To run commands on the target machine, just type those in the command text box and press enter or click on submit.

Each command is executed in a separate powershell process. To run multiple commands in a single process, use semi-colon (;) separated commands like cd..;pwd;ls

You are effectively sitting on a powershell prompt with -noninteractvie and -executionpolicy bypass parameters. So all powershell commands would run. Great!

Code snip for command execution:

Upload a file

To upload a file using Antak:
1. Write the path writable directory in command box. Usually, at least C:\Windows\Temp should be writable.
2. Use the browse button to locate the file on your local machine.

3. Click on "Upload the file" button.
Also, lets verify if the file has been uploaded.

 Nice! The file has been uploaded.

Code for this:

Download a file

To download a file, just write/copy its complete path in command box and click on the "download" button.

 And this downloaded text file contains username and password to another machine. Of course, you won't find such things in an enterpreise enviroonment (pun intended) :D

Code for download:

Executing Scripts

There are many ways how a script could be executed using Antak. 

UPDATE: In methods 1 and 2 below the script does not touch disk (someone asked me this).

1. Paste the script in command box and click "Encode and Execute".
Lets try this with the egress testing script Firebuster.ps1


2. Using powershell one-liner for download & execute. Paste the one-liner in command box and click on execute.
Lets try this with powershell payload generated using msf.

The one liner which could be used is:

3. An uploaded script could be executed in the usual way.
Lets upload powerpreter on the target and use Get-Information function.



Recall that we are practically on a powershell prompt. So lets try to use powershell remoting to execute commands on remote machines. Two things which are required for using powershell remoting from Antak are:

1. Administrative credentials for the target remote system.
2. Powershell remoting must already be enabled between system where Antak is residing and the target machine. As it is not possible to change any settings due to low privileges under which Antak runs.

Recall that we downloaded a plain-text credential for a remote machine. That could be used now.

Following semi-colon(;) separated commands could be used to achieve this. This command takes username and password in plain and exeucte ipconfig on the target.

Lets use this :)

Great! We are able to execute commands on the remote machine.

That is it for Antak, hope you liked it. It is a part of Nishang and could be found here:

If you would like to see Antak in action, you may like to see the webcast I did for Garage4hackers:

I look forward to feedback, bugs and feature requests.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Nishang 0.3.4 - Nishang Module, Dot Sourcing, Leaner scripts, New Exfiltration methods and bug fixes.

This update of Nishang makes some basic changes in how Nishang could be used.

You can now use Nishang as a module. Just import Nishang.psm1 by using

Now, list and use all the functions available
You can use any function from above as you use the scripts.

The code of nishang.psm1 is this
It just imports all scripts in the Nishang folder in the current session. It excercises no export control so you may see some functions which themselves are part of other functions. Note that the code shows that we are not loading Keylogger. In my testing, I found Keylogger should be left alone :)

Dot Sourcing

Next, if you like to use individual scripts (like I do), the scripts in Nishang, other then the Keylogger, now runs with dot sourcing.

Leaner Scripts

The exfiltration option has been removed from every script but Keylogger annd the three Backdoors. This not only makes those leaner (again) but also less complex to use. But, since I have been working on using Nishang scripts in client side attacks, it doesn't make sense to remove the exfitration altogether.

If you need exfiltration in a script just use Add-Exfiltration in the Utility folder and pass to it the path of the script.

New Exfiltration Methods

You can now use your own weberver which could log POST requests and a DNS server which could log TXT queries as exfiltration options. The webserver option could be seen in above example of leaner scripts.

Lets see an example of using DNS txt queries.

Both Webserver and DNS methods encodes data using Carols Perez's Compress-PostScript. You can decode it using Invoke-Decode in the Utility folder.

Parameters have been rearaanged in all the scripts to make the code more readable.

Here is the CHANGELOG:

- Minor improvements in StringtoBase64.ps1
- Fixed a typo in Firelistener. Client port was not being displayed.
- All the scripts could be run using "dot source" now.
- All the scripts in Nishang could be loaded into current powershell session by importing Nishang.psm1 module.
- Added new exfiltration options, POST requests to Webserver and DNS txt queries.
- Removed exfiltration support for tinypaste.
- Exfiltration options have been removed from all scripts but Backdoors and Keylogger.
- Added Nishang.psm1
- Added Do-Exfiltration.ps1.
- Added Add-Exfiltration.ps1.
- Added Invoke-Decode.ps1.
- Removed Browse_Accept_Applet.ps1

Nishang could be found here

I welcome any feedbacks, bugs and feature requests.