Some of my presentations
RACE - Minimal Rights and ACE for Active Directory Dominance
DEF CON 2019
Forging Trusts for Deception in Active Directory
BruCON 2018
Hacked? Pray that the Attacker used PowerShell
ITDefense 2018
Red Team Revenge - Attacking Microsoft ATA
44CON 2017
Evading Microsoft ATA for Active Directory Domination
BlackHat USA 2017 and BruCON 2017
PowerShell for Practical Purple Teaming
x33fcon 2017
AMSI: How Windows 10 Plans to Stop Script-Based Attacks and How Well It Does It
BlackHat USA 2016
Continuous Intrusion: Why CI tools are an Attacker's Best Friends
BlackHat Europe and DeepSec 2015
Workshop:PowerShell for Penetration Testers
HITB, Amsterdam 2015
Lethal Client Side Attacks using PowerShell
Slides of my talk at DeepSec 2014
Powerpreter: Post Exploitation like a Boss
Slides of my talk at Defcon 21
PowerShell for Penetration Testers
Slides of my workshop at BlackHat Europe 2013
Owning Windows 8 with Human Interface Devices
Presented at EuSecWest'12
Hacking the future with USB HID
The talk I gave at RSA China'12. It was about using USB HID to hack Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
More fun using Kautilya
A presentation I gave at Troopers'12. This featured some never seen before payloads for breaking into Linux using a Teesny++ device.
Teensy Programming for Everyone
This was a workshop I conducted at Black Hat Europe'12. The workshop explains how to program a USB HID, Teensy++ in this case, for usage in offensive security.
Kautilya: Teensy beyond shell
Presented at Black Hat Abu Dhabi. In this preso Kautilya was introduced.
RACE - Minimal Rights and ACE for Active Directory Dominance
DEF CON 2019
Forging Trusts for Deception in Active Directory
BruCON 2018
Hacked? Pray that the Attacker used PowerShell
ITDefense 2018
Red Team Revenge - Attacking Microsoft ATA
44CON 2017
Evading Microsoft ATA for Active Directory Domination
BlackHat USA 2017 and BruCON 2017
PowerShell for Practical Purple Teaming
x33fcon 2017
AMSI: How Windows 10 Plans to Stop Script-Based Attacks and How Well It Does It
BlackHat USA 2016
Continuous Intrusion: Why CI tools are an Attacker's Best Friends
BlackHat Europe and DeepSec 2015
Workshop:PowerShell for Penetration Testers
HITB, Amsterdam 2015
Lethal Client Side Attacks using PowerShell
Slides of my talk at DeepSec 2014
Powerpreter: Post Exploitation like a Boss
Slides of my talk at Defcon 21
PowerShell for Penetration Testers
Slides of my workshop at BlackHat Europe 2013
Owning Windows 8 with Human Interface Devices
Presented at EuSecWest'12
Hacking the future with USB HID
The talk I gave at RSA China'12. It was about using USB HID to hack Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
More fun using Kautilya
A presentation I gave at Troopers'12. This featured some never seen before payloads for breaking into Linux using a Teesny++ device.
Teensy Programming for Everyone
This was a workshop I conducted at Black Hat Europe'12. The workshop explains how to program a USB HID, Teensy++ in this case, for usage in offensive security.
Kautilya: Teensy beyond shell
Presented at Black Hat Abu Dhabi. In this preso Kautilya was introduced.